Industries That Use Our Custom Pallets

Pallets designed and built from the ground up can solve common pain points businesses feel across different industries.

They also add much-needed flexibility and custom solutions. Most of these pain points arise from standard pallets’ inability to properly support, store, or safely transport the product.

Trusted By These Industries:
Steel & Metal
Many More, Including Yours


Custom Pallets are a Tailor-Made Solution

Our custom pallet design software (PDS) delivers a product that meets your exact needs. PDS can create a completely new pallet or redesign an existing one to conform to any set of guidelines.

Whether handed down from headquarters or governed by federal law, our custom pallets will meet your requirements. Our system analyzes your products, distribution, and storage requirements to create a pallet that is exactly what your business needs.

Recommended For Oversized Products

When a product’s dimensions prevent it from being safely transported using a standard-size pallet, we recommend custom-designing a pallet that is built to your product’s exact dimensions.

Recommended for Overweight Products

Standard pallets have a limited weight capacity. Typically, this capacity is sufficient for most products. However, if a product’s weight exceeds this capacity, we recommend custom-designing a pallet built to your product’s exact weight demands. Sometimes this involves utilizing hardwood instead of softwood lumber, along with other strategic upgrades.